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The following table provides an overview of icons used throughout the Navigil Service.


Not set upWatch is not yet set up.

Battery emptyWatch battery level at 0% and the watch has shut down

Battery fullWatch battery is full charged

Power connectedWatch is currently being charged

Charging interrupted

Watch was removed from the charging dock before it was fully charged

NetworkWatch is connected to mobile network

No networkWatch has no mobile network connection

CallWatch made a regular call

SOS callWatch made an SOS call

SOS call unansweredWatch made an SOS call that was not answered

SOS call recordedWatch attempted an unsuccessful SOS call that resulted in a recorded SOS message

Man downThe watch triggered a man down alarm

No movementThe watch triggered a no movement alarm

Leaving home

Watch has not registered a home beacon signal

Leave safe zoneWatch is no longer inside safe zone area

Emergency trackingEmergency tracking of the watch is currently active

ActivityDaily activity

24h activityActivity goal

Heart rateHeart rate graph

Heart rate variabilityHeart rate variability graph

Respiratory rateRespiratory rate graph

Map beacon clusterMultiple beacons location marker

Map cell locationWatch location marker (grey) based on mobile network cell information

Map home beaconSingle beacon location marker

Map default locationDefault watch location marker based on GPS and beacons; large version of icon indicates latest location

Map alarm locationLocation marker for when an alarm was active (e.g. man down)

Map emergency locationWatch emergency location marker based on GPS and beacons; indicates emergency tracking was on

Map SOS call locationIndicates location of watch when an SOS call was made
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