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Service messages

There are two types of messages that can be sent through the Service:

  • Automatic system messages, such as notification that multi-device settings were successfully saved
  • Messages from Navigil, such as notification about changes in functionality, support issues, publications, etc.

Service messages are sent via email by admins. Messages can be sent to individual users or to several users based on company, group and role affiliation.

New messages

When new messages arrive, a popup appears at the bottom of the Service browser window.

Unread messages

Unread messages are indicated by a new message icon in the top right corner of the Service window.

Clicking on the icon takes you to the Service messages list.

Message tools

  • Sorting Unread/Read/All
  • Open/close by pressing arrow next to Subject
  • Mark as read/unread by clicking the envelope in the Actions column
  • Deleting one message by clicking trash bin in the Actions column
  • Delete multiple messages by selecting with CTRL + mouse-click (or Command + mouse-click) and clicking DELETE

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