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Navigil 580


About this user guide

This guide is a collection of descriptions and instructions for the Navigil 580 watch. The following conventions are used for admonitions: Warning This is a ...

Release notes

Here you will find the release notes for Navigil 580 firmware 26.9.2023 Navigil 580 firmware release 10.1 Navigil 580_release notes_rel10.1_20230905.pdf 6.6....

About the Navigil 580

The Navigil 580 is a specialized personal care device featuring location tracking, mobile network connectivity, and a range of wellness stats to support the ...

Get to know your Navigil 580

The Navigil 580 is an advanced piece of technology with several sensors and functional components. In addition to a hybrid analog and digital display and an ...

Regular and emergency calls

The watch uses mobile network connectivity for making and receiving calls. These can be normal phone calls or special emergency calls. The emergency call can...

Location tracking and reporting

Navigil watches are designed to track and report the wearer's location using a combination of GPS, Bluetooth and mobile network technology. Note Location tra...

Wellness and activity tracking

The Navigil 580 includes sensors that can monitor the wearer's activity and wellness. These features are designed for persons who wish to keep tabs on their ...

Product safety and care

Please follow these guidelines. Failure to do so might lead to a potential health risk or product malfunction.

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