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Get to know your Navigil 580

The Navigil 580 is an advanced piece of technology with several sensors and functional components. In addition to a hybrid analog and digital display and an optical heart rate sensor on the back, the watch features built-in GPS, mobile network antenna (and SIM card), Bluetooth radio, and an accelerometer for motion detection.

Speaker and microphone

On the left side of the watch is a powerful speaker. The speaker volume can be easily adjusted using the Navigil Service. During calls, we recommend keeping the watch around 25 cm away from your mouth.

The microphone is a small hole located on the right side of the watch below the CROWN button.

Audio, LED and vibration

The Navigil 580 uses sounds, an LED and vibration for important notifications. Some features also include audio prompts where the watch speaks instructions or status information to help guide the watch user.

The LED is  just below the number '6' at the bottom of the display. It is used to indicate battery level and charging status:

  • Battery low warning: slow blinking red light
  • Battery low alarm: fast blinking red light
  • Battery charging: constant red light
  • Battery full: constant green light

Vibrations act as emphasis for notification tones. However, if the watch is in silent mode, only vibrations are used.

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