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Watch modes

The watch uses modes to control notifications and radio transmission. The following modes are available when Full profile is enabled:

  • Normal: this is the default mode; all enabled features and notifications are available
  • Flight: this mode deactivates Bluetooth, GPS and mobile network connectivity
  • Silent: this mode deactivates alarm tones as well as ring tones when making or receiving calls; vibration remains active
  • Stealth: this mode is like normal mode, but SOS call and message sounds and audio prompts are replaced by vibrations (see below for details)

SOS call and SOS message in stealth mode

With SOS calls, the audio is completely muted and replaced with vibrations. The digital display also does not react to SOS calls. The following vibration sequences are used instead of sounds or audio prompts:

  • 1x vibration when SOS call initiates
  • 2x vibration when SOS call connects to the mobile network (receiver's phone starts to ring)
  • 1x vibration when SOS call ends normally
  • 4x vibration when SOS call fails (for any reason)

SOS message recording uses the follow vibration sequences instead of sounds or audio prompts:

  • 1x vibration when recording starts
  • 2x vibration when sending SOS message
  • 1x vibration when SOS message is delivered
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