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Configuring beacons

Beacons are configured and managed through the ServiceUG. Each beacon can be private or common:

  • Private: configured at device level
  • Common: configured at company level

Watches hear any beacon unless you "tell it" to listen to certain beacons. These beacons are part of the list of beacons stored in the watch. The beacon list includes private beacons you configure under the Device Settings of the watch. The list also includes common beacons that are configured for a company or group to which the watch belongs.

You can add common beacons to a company and assign them to groups. Group assignment only affects who can manage the beacons (based on administration privileges).

Beacons and safe zones

Both private or common beacons can be used to collect indoor activity statistics, and both are used for safe zone calculations.

All beacons on the watch list include the location coordinates of each individual beacon. This information is used by the watch for safe zone calculations. Using beacon location improves location accuracy, lowers GPS power usage and reduces false alarms.

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