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Alarms and notifications

Under the alarms and notification settings, you can define if a particular alarm type should trigger an email or call.

Set up email trigger

Click the EMAIL button to configure an email trigger.

The available email settings are explained in more detail in the table below.

Receiver nameToggle on to pick an email from the list of contacts in the watch. Toggle off to manually enter a contact name and email.
Receiver emailEmail address of the person receiving the notification.
Alarm typeSelect from the drop-down list which type of alarm triggers the email.

Set up call trigger

Click the CALL button to define what kind of call should be triggered for the selected alarm.

The available call settings are explained in more detail in the table below.

Call to help request numberToggle on to automatically send the call to contacts in the watch phone number list which have the help request option enabled. Toggle off to define a specific person who should receive the call notification.
Ask answer confirmationToggle on to allow the person receiving the call notification to confirm (by pressing a predefined number) that the call has been received.
Receiver nameToggle on to pick a phone number from the list of contacts in the watch. Toggle off to manually enter a contact name and phone number.
Alarm typeSelect from the drop-down list which type of alarm(s) triggers the call.
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