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Navigil Beacons


About this user guide

This user guide is a complete collection of guidance topics for using the Navigil beacons. The guidance topics use the following conventions for special inst...

About Navigil beacons

Beacons are Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) transmitters used for indoor location purposes. If the Navigil watch can detect a beacon signal, it means that the ass...

Installing beacons

One of the most important aspects of a Navigil solution implementation is the beacon and safe zone setup. Before installing beacons or creating safe zones, a...

Configuring beacons

Beacons are configured and managed through the ServiceUG. Each beacon can be private or common: Private: configured at device level Common: configured at com...

Product safety and care

Please follow these guidelines. Failure to do so might lead to a potential health risk or product malfunction. Local laws and regulations take precedent. Alw...

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