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About Navigil beacons

Beacons are Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) transmitters used for indoor location purposes. If the Navigil watch can detect a beacon signal, it means that the assistee is at home. The watch regularly scans for beacon signals, and if no beacon signal is found for a certain period of time, the assistee is assumed to not be at home. If tracking outside the home area is enabled (part of watch profile settings), GPS tracking starts automatically to locate the assistee.

When the watch can find a beacon signal, the home icon is shown in the watch status display.

Each beacon has a unique identifier and can be configured to broadcast a specific area code for indoor activity statistics.

There are three types of beacons: charging dock beacon, AC mini beacon and battery mini beacon.

  • Charging dock beacon
    The charging dock for Navigil watches can include a built-in beacon. Learn more.
  • AC mini beacon
    The AC mini beacon is small transmitter that plugs into a mains outlet. These beacons extend the range of the home area. Learn more.
  • Battery mini beacon
    The battery mini beacon is another way to extend the home area. These beacons are powered by a coin cell battery, so they can be placed anywhere in a living space that does not exceed operating conditions. Learn more.

Any type of beacon can be a private beacon or a common beacon. Private beacons are configured for specific watches, and the complete details for the beacon, including location coordinates, are stored in the watch. A watch can have up to 20 private beacons, and these beacons are used in safe zone calculations.

Common beacons are configured at company level in the Navigil Service and can be assigned to a group, such as an organizational division or department of the company. Beacons within a specific group have their own settings for certain features, such as call center numbers, and access can be restricted to certain group admins.

Watches hear any common beacon. However, because common beacon coordinates are not stored in the watch, it cannot use them in safe zone calculations.


If a watch has private beacons, it ignores common beacons.

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